Can exercise help control stress?

Looking for natural ways to help reduce stress? Exercise helps reduce stress hormones from the body and boosts chemicals that improve your mood. Becoming more physically fit gives you a sense of accomplishment, and working out may provide a nice break from upsetting emotional situations. It may also develop new brain cells.

Unlike using alcohol or drugs, coping through exercise is a positive, healthy remedy. When you exercise, you physically stress your body intentionally, which can improve your stamina for stress. Routine exercise also helps improve your sleep, energy and concentration, helping to control the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Exercise can be functional (raking leaves or walking to work), fun (surfing or dancing) or formal (gym class or a morning routine). Whichever you prefer, start moving today and every day and enjoy all of the benefits.

— Eric Endlich, PhD:  Harvard Health Publications,, Anxiety and Depression Association of America

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